So I just got back from another Disneyland trip and needless to say, it was AMAZING! I love being there. It's like I'm stepping out of reality and into a magical world. (Obviously it's magical) Anyway, I have learned a few lessons while at Disneyland and I thought it might be fun to share them with everyone!
I had a rough time in July with my shoe situation, so I figured that this time I would go in my most comfortable shoes--my Dr. Martens. So I was excited that I would be free of that worry this time around, but unbeknownst to me, while I was enjoying being a child, my feet were forming blisters from my "most comfortable shoes." So lesson number one: Despite how comfortable you think your shoes are, they really aren't.
That brings us to lesson number two: when walking for hours on end, choose wisely as to where the hotel is that you will be staying. I love to walk, don't get me wrong; but at the end of an adventure-filled child-like day of magical creatures, beautiful princes and princesses, and exotic jungle cruises you just want to be able to leave and quickly crash into a comfy bed so you can get ready for the next day of dillusion. Point being, our hotel was about a half a mile away from Disneyland and we decided that we didn't want to pay for parking so we walked. In the morning it seemed like a very quick walk, but after our day of endless walking, it seemed like we were never going to get home and put our feet up.
Ever refused to try something new that really won't harm you? Well, when I was with my family at Disneyland in July, my 10 year-old sister really wanted to go on the Tower of Terror and the California Screamer and no one would go on them with her. As I recall, that is all she talked about. I felt bad for her because I was too afraid to go and she was too young to go by herself, so with the help of my parents and other sisters, I convinced her not to go on those rides, telling her that it was just going to make her sick or something to that affect. Well, this time my roommate Laura dragged me to each one of those rides (with me really freaking out on occasion) and I ended up loving them. Lesson number three learned, never refuse to do something that is not really dangerous just because you're afraid. Cassie, I'm sorry for whimping out on you!
I've decided that I am really, really not a tourist! I want to apologize to any wonderful toursists out there who like to have tangible evidence to a memory of something great by taking pictures. It has been discovered and decided that I am not one of those people. I don't like to stop at every little thing to take a picture and I don't like to look at life through a camera lens. So when my wonderfully amazing roommates found something cute and possibly a photographic memory, needless to say I was irritated and agitated just waiting for them to get their pictures taken. As for lesson learned, number four is the one I know for a fact, I don't like to waste wonderful exploring time and adventures just to stop and take a picture. (For those that knew me as a child, I was the same way.)
Never underestimate the power of an egg. My roommate Yasmine did and all it did was explode in face. Which was actually quite hysterical for the rest of us. You see we were staying at a hotel where there was contiental breakfast and Yasmine got a hard boiled egg (the shell was already peeled off). When we got to our room the egg had gone cold, so Yasmine thought logically to heat it up in our microwave. Little did she and the rest of of know (or realize at the time) that because microwaves heat from the inside out, the egg's yolk got so hot that the heat had no where to go. When Yasmine used her fork to cut the egg so she could eat it, it literally exploded with the popping sound and everything. The egg was everywhere and Yasmine was left trying to figure out what just happened. We will forever get a good laugh out of that one! Thanks, Yaz!
Final lesson learned was the most important. Never take for granted the power of good family and friends to spend an amazing experience with. I had so much fun on both of my Disneyland trips, and I have wonderful people to thank for that! My parents, sisters, and yes even my roommates! I love acting like a kid and who better to do it with than people you love to spend time with!